Sassy and Shabby

For the love of all things Vintage

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Garden Bounty

Nothing better than some fresh veggies on the grill....

Our tomatoes took off like wildfire and for the first time I have some many I don't know what to do with them (IF I knew how to can that would be IDEAL....OR if I were Italian I'd make some gravy....) but since those aren't options, I make salsa....Tuesday I made a big 'ol container and it's gone as of last night (even my daughter LOVES it) SO tonight I will go home and slice some of my homegrown tomatoes, jalapenos and add some red onion, garlic cloves and cilantro and VIOLA! There you have it, my homemade salsa recipe.

1 comment:

Miss Gracie's House said...

Love homemade salsa and even better when it's from your garden! Thanks for the visit to my place!