Sassy and Shabby

For the love of all things Vintage

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

I didn't get to spend Father's Day with my dad case you haven't heard, he was the recipient of a cadaver(thank you kind soul for being an organ donor) kidney Monday.....which means he has no immune system as he is on anti-rejection meds...and my lil guy has been throwing up all day...not sure if it's something we ate OR the flu....don't wanna take the chance...

This kidney has been a blessing for our family - my dad has been given a second lease on life!! It's so bizarre because last Sunday he said something to the affect that it is his biggest wish to not to have to go to dialysis again and he got the call about the kidney Sunday night - do ya think God had a hand in that?

Father's Day 2011

September 2011

March 2011

March 2012

April 2012

November 2011 - Grandpa always gets the kids their advent calendars

December 2010 - Here dad's health was B A D  - I had no idea how bad....

Summer 2009 - Flea Market vending with Dad

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